Finding out about the fees being charged by a moving company when you are planning to shift to another city, or part of the city is an essential component of the entire moving process. There are many movers in Perth who charge by the hour, while there are others who charge a fixed package rate. Your choice needs to be dependent upon where you are relocating. If it is within the city itself, then the hourly rate is quite alright. But for intercity relocation, selecting the package rate might be a better choice. Be mindful of the “minimum number of hours” a company adds to a moving contract. If the time specified is exorbitant, you might need to think about other possibilities.
There are quite a few factors that you must remember when you plan on hiring a moving company for removals in Perth. Let us now take a look at some of these factors:
- Extensive research is always a prerequisite when you are planning on hiring a moving company. No stone should be left unturned during your research so that you can make an informed decision and not dump your hard earned money down the drain. You should never sign a moving contract or any other document before your online research is complete.
- Always try to avoid any commercial broker who asks money from you in exchange for information regarding moving companies in your locality. More often than not, these companies tend to fool you by giving you the contact details of companies who offer low grade moving service at exorbitant prices. Instead, make an effort to search for a company on your own. Other than online research, as discussed earlier, there are various other ways by which you can find a reliable moving company. You can ask your friends and family members, especially those who have recently moved, for suggestions and references. Make sure to get their contact details as well.
- Maintain an air of honesty when talking to a moving company before your relocation. You must tell the movers the number of storeys they have to cover, the type of stairs they will come across, and whether or not your new premises can accommodate their moving truck. Without proper information, a moving company might end up damaging your belongings, owing to lack of precautions based on the information given by you. Make it a point to report each and every intricate detail with extreme caution, if you want to avoid any problems.
- Always ask the moving company to provide you with a written statement of all the charges and fees they are going to levy. Without a proper account statement, you might end up paying a whole lot more extra than the agreed amount. Make sure that the fee declaration is signed by the supervisor of the moving company so as to avoid any future confrontations or denials.
Before you contact and contract a moving company, try and find out about the insurance coverage your belongings will be getting from the company’s end. In the case of an accident or negligence, if your belongings are do not come under an insurance policy, you might suffer a considerable loss. You will not be able to ask the company to repay you as well since there was no insurance coverage. So choose a company very carefully.